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AI stole your valentine—but not your project manager!
Shocked by how many people on the internet trade-in their real-life, human connections for an AI bot? It’s no secret that AI is a growing...

What’s the difference between RPA and human-assisted automation?
RPAs are great for efficiency but some automation processes need a little human touch. Automation is a lifesaver in IT, especially for...

There are many kinds of AI. Can one of them improve your profits?
Artificial intelligence can be many things and some of those will affect your bottom line. One reason the term artificial...

The Future of MSPs: Embracing Autonomous Project Monitoring & Management
Your MSP relies on RMM. Here’s why it needs APMM. It’s been a good year for your MSP. You’ve leaned into using automation and popular...

The right AI can help CEOs make better decisions
Most people are watching the hype over AI with detached interest. But as a CEO, you are under a great deal of pressure to implement it in...

The AI in Moovila is a white box. Here’s what that means and why it matters
Since ChatGPT hit the scene, AI has been getting a lot of attention. AI chatbots are being portrayed in the media as everything from the...

Critical path automation will change how you manage projects forever
The first post in this series addressed overcoming the challenges of resource management. An essential data point when assigning people...

An intelligent AI for planning projects is built right into ConnectWise
When your client’s needs – a product rollout, system update, or installation – exceed the capacity of a ticket, you probably turn to a...

AI is a Decoder, not an Enemy
People are afraid of artificial intelligence. It has been portrayed – in films and real life – as a modern Frankenstein’s monster: A creatur

Chat GPT raises the bar on mansplaining
AIs are great for navigating complexity and can help you mine huge amounts of data but they don’t replace human decision makers. Today, tho

Composability for the CIO – how close are we?
For companies that have moved to a hybrid workforce, the CIO’s role has expanded. The IT team is tasked with implementing tools to...

Why you need a credit score for your work plans
When you are buying a house, you can get a quick reality check on how well that’s likely to go by looking at your credit score. No matter...

How does Moovila know when people are overworked?
Everyone knows that project planning is an art that requires the planner to cast a spell over everyone involved so they will believe in a...
Moovila for Professional Services Organizations
Meet Moovila, the world's most intelligent work and resource management platform. Watch how our AI-powered work management platform can...

5 ways automation is transforming project management
We’ve come a long way in project management from taking pencil to paper and manually calculating the critical path to construct project...
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